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Attempting to document the stretched capacity of life, Lighthouse explores the dialogues one can have with oneself in a seemingly daily setting at contemporary time, and celebrates life and death.


The work is a tribute to Francesca Woodman and a dear friend Chin Tangerine who passed away in 2015.

It was presented at a private flat as one of the twelve non-traditional sites under Guest Host Ghost, a one-day arts hunt in Cheung Chau.


Attempting to document the stretched capacity of life, Lighthouse explores the dialogues one can have with oneself in a seemingly daily setting at contemporary time, and celebrates life and death.


The work is a tribute to Francesca Woodman and a dear friend Chin Tangerine who passed away in 2015.

It was presented at a private flat as one of the twelve non-traditional sites under Guest Host Ghost, a one-day arts hunt in Cheung Chau.











Dec 2015


Choreographed by Stella Tsui
Directed and performed by Stella Tsui & Brian Ting

Attempting to document the stretched capacity of life, Lighthouse explores the dialogues one can have with oneself in a seemingly daily setting at contemporary time, and celebrates life and death.


The work is a tribute to Francesca Woodman and a dear friend Chin Tangerine who passed away in 2015.

It was presented at a private flat as one of the twelve non-traditional sites under Guest Host Ghost, a one-day arts hunt in Cheung Chau.




Dec 2015


Choreographed by Stella Tsui
Directed and performed by Stella Tsui & Brian Ting





A Tuning Fork

Sept 2018

Choreographed and performed by Stella Tsui 

A prelude for the "System & Individual Series". A tango between system constellation and an individual leaping between histories and tapping into the unknown (present / future). 


Different pieces in the "System & Individual Series" will be created according to different festivals' format, as a reflection on the art industry. 

The work-in-progress was presented at Pelem Festival 2018 under Night Performance (Solo) in Pelem, Java, Indonesia.


Memoir and Banana

Nov-Dec 2017, Apr 2018

Created by Stella Tsui

Performed by Stella Tsui (and any other pedestrians who wanted to join the performance)

Sound design by Stella Tsui 

Memoir and Banana is a site-specific work developed from observations about how people use and relate to the chosen physical / virtual space(s) and the city. It can be narration(s) of personal and collective memories.
It is also an experiment that attempts to bring artists and non-artists together to raise our awareness towards bodies and space through participation in the performance.

Keywords: Eternity. Fleeting spectacles. Photography. Movement. Personal and collective memories. Narrations. Participation. Open-access. Body awareness.

Memoir and Banana was premiered at Melaka Art and Performance Festival on 25 Nov 2017 on street near St. Paul's Church in the UNESCO World Heritage City Melaka, Malaysia. It was then performed outside the National Palace and along Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 14 Dec 2017 as part of the artist-in-residence programme of Riverhouse, and outside the Post Office in Rainbow, Victoria, Australia on 28 Apr 2018 at MAP Rainbow Festival. 


Lighthouse - Stockholm, Bergen & Melbourne Tour

Sept 2017

Directed, performed & set designed by Stella Tsui & Brian Ting

Choreographed by Stella Tsui

Sound designed by Brian Ting

Documentation & promotion (Stockholm & Bergen) by Adrian Heung & June Law 

Documentation (Melbourne) by Coka Huang, Robert McKee & Pasu Wong

Returning after 2 years, Lighthouse adds the dimension of time on the matter about life and death, at the same time continues as an artistic experiment on site-specific structured improvisation / experience by travelling to different private homes in different cities around the world. 
The work is a tribute to Francesca Woodman and a dear friend Chin Tangerine who passed away in 2015. It is also dedicated to all the souls that made their passing and their beloved ones during the production.

Lighthouse was presented at private homes in Stockholm under Stockholm Fringe Festival (STOFF) 2017, Bergen under No Fringe Festival Bergen 2017 and Melbourne under Melbourne Fringe 2017respectively.

Lighthouse received "Innovation in Performance" Award from STOFF 2017.

Tour website:
Video: (Stockholm) (Bergen) (Melbourne)


Dec 2015


Choreographed by Stella Tsui
Directed and performed by Stella Tsui & Brian Ting

Attempting to document the stretched capacity of life, Lighthouse explores the dialogues one can have with oneself in a seemingly daily setting at contemporary time, and celebrates life and death.


The work is a tribute to Francesca Woodman and a dear friend Chin Tangerine who passed away in 2015.

It was presented at a private flat as one of the twelve non-traditional sites under Guest Host Ghost, a one-day arts hunt in Cheung Chau.

The Fête de la Musique 2015

Jun 2015


Choreographed and performed by Stella Tsui and Christina Jensen

A performance based on film images, architectural structures and dynamics of crowd. 

The work was presented at Central Pier No.10 under the Fête de la Musique.



Jun 2015


Choreographed and performed by Stella Tsui, Christina Jensen, Ka-yuen Kwok and Christine He

THE KOLLEKTIV is based on four different themes and Stella's part mainly explores primal desires in erotica and violence in communication.

The work was presented at an office-in-construction makerHive under the HK KOLLEKTIV Art Weekend.

(Choosing) Pornography

Aug 2014


Directed by Stella Tsui 

Performed by Kiwi Chan and Martin Tse

Weaving scene 1 and 2 of Pornography by the renowned British playwright Simon Stevens, (Choosing) Pornography reveals the collective depression and individual struggles of the contemporary society in the form of physical theatre.

The work was presented at the Director Salon by the Circus.



In Celebration of New Choi Yuen Village 

Jan 2014


Performed by Stella Tsui, Mimi Lo, Leung Wai-man, Chan Mei-tung

A site-speific improvisation performance to celebrate the opening of New Choi Yuen Village after the demonishing of the old one because of the Hong Kong Express Rail Link construction.

Please Mind the Gap

Apr 2013


Directed and performed by Stella Tsui, Lo Sze-ting, Kristy Ho, Danny Ho, Sam Wong and Fatimah Bibi

Exploring the notion of Hongkonger and identity issues, Please Mind the Gap incorporates voices of Hong Kong Chinese, Vietnamese ex-refugees, Pakistani women, Filipinio migrant worker and organizer in Hong Kong. It justaposes living experiences of individuals to present kaleidoscopic images of Hongkongers and reveals struggles about ethnicities / nationalities under cultures and policies. The work is an attempt in response to the debates at the time.

The physical theatre work adopts an approach based on Open Theatre by Joseph Chaikin, yet the presentation does not limit to theatre only but employs also other forms such as performance art and poetry reading.


It was presented at Cattle Depot by Murmur Collective with On & On Theatre Workshop venue support.


Dec 2012


Choreographed and performed by Vinci Mok and Stella Tsui

Bearing the weight of history, the two review their lives at the encounter and separation.


The work was presented as one of the programmes of Site Specific "Moving" Arts Project@Hong Kong Movement Art Festival 2012 by Moving Arts Hong Kong at Cheung Chau.


Video of Waves:

Video of Moving" Arts Project@Hong Kong Movement Art Festival 2012:

To Think or Not to Think 

Dec 2012


Directed by K.K. Chau

Choreographed and performed by Stella Tsui

To Think or Not to Think explores the interactions between the visuals and sounds dictated by brainwaves / state of mind of a dancer and her dance.


The work was presented at Multimedia Theatre, Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre of City University of Hong Kong and JCCAC Black Box Theatre.



Preconscious Impact

Aug 2012


Directed by K.K. Chau

Choreographed and performed by Stella Tsui
Performed by Shingha Theatre

Preconcious Impact attempts to stimulate audiences' preconscious by creating illogical scenaries, and it hopes the audiences can experience the world and self before consciousness.


The work was presented at JCCAC Black Box Theatre with the sponsorship from Hong Kong Arts Development Council.



白夜 (White Night

Jul 2011


Choreographed and performed by Stella Tsui

Music video of the Evening Primrose




Aug 2010


Choreographed by Stella Tsui

Performed by Stella Tsui, Gloria Pang, Bowie Siu and Eunice Wong

Music video of the Evening Primrose

作業・作孽(Homework / Karma)

Mar 2011


Directed and performed by Stella Tsui, Lo Sze-ting, James Wong, Emily Wong, Christina Lee, Kristy Ho, Aiko Kan, Huang Lit-man, Max Lam, Hyginus Ng, K & Carol

Facilitated by Stella Tsui and Lo Sze-ting

Homework / Karma questions the Hong Kong education and pushes actors to explore four elements lacked in the education - gender & sex, movements, histories via personal histories and death.


The production breaks the traditional labour division of theatre and embraces the practice of Open Theatre. All decisions were reached by consensus of the whole production team.


The work was presented at Theatre, Sheung Wan Civic Centre under Intervarsity Drama Festival 2011.



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